SUMMER GUIDE: Run Through the Sprinkler

Over here at max + moose, we collaborate with some of our favorite mamas to create a Summer Guide for a memorable summer with you + your littles. Each week we will have one of the mamas share their idea with you! This week we have the wonderful Karrie Locher sharing her idea with you; Run Through the Sprinkler in the Backyard. 

We have had such a fun and busy summer, but it also feels like it has just flown by! We have been soaking up those 'summer-esque' moments, and thoroughly enjoyed participating in the #mandmmemorablesummer bucket list! This bucket list has been so fun to complete and perfectly engulfs many summer activities that we wanted to do, along with mixing in some out-of-the-box fun ideas!

When Max & Moose asked us to help with this initiative, our idea was immediate! Something I had been looking forward to as a parent is sharing my childhood experiences with my kids while letting them make their own memories that stem from this shared experience. When I think summer--I think sprinkler! We never had a pool growing up, so we set up a sprinkler out back with some "obstacles" that my brother and I would have to "complete" while running through the water. We always enjoyed those days, so I wanted to bring that excitement into my kids' lives! My babies are water babies through and through. They love going out on the boat at my in-law's lake house, the pool, playing at the splash pad, and playing with the water table; but when that isn't feasible, or they just need some change, we bust out the sprinkler! *A little tip as well-- it WEARS THEM OUT, which really helps with nap time.

    We decided to whip out our sprinkler on a 90-degree day, after lunch and before nap, when all the kids wanted to do was have some water time. They loved running through the water, jumping over the sprinkler, and "racing" through the sprinkler. We made a fun little game out of it one day by driving Cam's cars through the sprinkler as a pretend "car wash", supplied with sudsy soap and a little scrub brush. There really are multiple ways you can 'do' sprinkler time, you just have to be creative sometimes! It's always fun to put your own little twist on things that pertain to your child(ren)'s specific interests.

    We completed almost all of the items on our #mandmmemorablesummer bucket list to keep our summer busy and entertaining in preparation for a relaxing fall. Cam already talks about how much fun he had doing some of the activities for this bucket list-- especially picnics in the backyard under our garden lights & learning all about bugs another day! If I know one thing as a parent, switching things up from day to day or week to week is so good for the kids! I hope you all enjoy this bucket list & complete some of the intentions before summer is officially over! Plus, these are all wonderful ideas to keep in your phone for next year's summer excitement, as they can be used time and time again.



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